Natalie Schorr

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Nest Egg - an Analog Collage

Nest Egg
© Natalie Schorr 2022

I really struggled with this piece. It’s actually been hanging around the studio for a long time in a bunch of pieces which came and went, replaced by others as time went on. It kind of came together when I found the hair, which gave off a very nest-like vibe.

I feel like my children would have only a vague notion of the concept of a nest egg. When I was growing up there were 2 sort of schools of thought. One was to build up your savings account for retirement which was the “nest egg,” and the other was to make a bunch of investments, which was dangerous and foolish according to the nest egg people. Of course the nest egg never kept up with the cost of living, so in the end that was pretty much a bomb, while investments were kind of hit and miss, all of which is to say there’s no security in tomorrow so good luck with that.

Anyway, here she is. Her traditional saved nest egg on her head with some other eggy breasts investing in herself because you never know what will happen next.