© Natalie Schorr, 2021
Mixed media collage with linocut, colored pencil, acrylic, found papers
18”w x 24”h
When I was a kid, there was a saying that you should tie a string around your finger in order to remember something. Clearly, this was prior to the invention of post-its.
Sometimes I forget that I am free: free to change my mind, to walk away, to make my life better. Freedom also seems a little lopsided. When I used to raise guinea fowl, I didn’t want them flying up into the trees, I wanted them to go into their house at night where they’d be safe. The solution was to clip their wings so they couldn’t get airborne. But in the case of guineas, you really only have to clip one wing, which will leave them off balance enough to keep them grounded. And I think I’m a little like that in that I get too lopsided to really get airborne. So maybe I need to be reminded that I’m free, even with one wing clipped.