I took a hard look at the three previous Exquisite Corpse pieces, and realized they were all kind of dark, so I thought I’d do a piece that was a little brighter, which brings us to Exquisite Corpse 4.
I’ve been looking for beautiful words, adjectives really, to coincide with these pieces. Novaturient is such a word. Various sources cite it as meaning “desiring or seeking a powerful change in their life, behavior or a certain situation,” and “a compelling desire, a deep and energetic call to arms in the name of personal change.” It’s so obscure that even spell check has a hard time accepting it. Wonder what AI will think? Will we find it in a student’s essay sometime soon?
However, novaturient is the right word for this piece. Exquisite Corpse 4 - Her novaturient outlook extravagantly manifested the perfect day. Big pink wallpaper flowers, swans floating aimlessly on turquoise waters under delightfully pink skies. Clad only in a feather skirt and some bright, lime green floral shoes, she looks like she’s manifesting with every fiber of her being.
I really hope that works out for her.