Exquisite Corpse 8 - Her Recalcitrant Attitude

Exquisite Corpse 8 - Her Recalcitrant Attitude
© Natalie Schorr 2023

Exquisite Corpse 8 - Her recalcitrant attitude inevitably beget an unloved station.

That’s an awful lot of red eye shadow, don’t you think? I personally rarely wear makeup. It seems like a lot of effort without a lot of reward, and besides, I lack the visual acuity to actually apply it correctly, which is another great hinderance.

On the rare occasion that I so wear makeup, it’s usually limited to mascara and lip gloss with some vague tint to it. I apply the mascara, put on my glasses, try to clean up all the spots I got all over my face then I was trying to put it on, and in the end usually edit most of it away.

Too much stress for me.

I think the red eye shadow is part of her recalcitrant charm. I would likely have been so labeled in my childhood if anyone had known the word recalcitrant, although it wasn’t entirely true. I wasn’t uncooperative, but I did add an annoyingly artistic flair to whatever I did that drove my family crazy.

Life is so much more fun now.