Monetize Your Digital Camera With Microstocks

Monetize Your Digital Camera With Microstocks

Let me tell you the story of how a "mature" woman with no photography background makes money taking pictures…

So, I have found making a living, hmmm, shall we say, challenging, since my divorce. I have been doing all my normal stuff, and getting all my normal results, which isn’t exactly going to cut it. I also lost my little side hustle teaching English online to children in China when the Chinese government decided that I and about 40,000 other online teachers from the US and Canada were too subversive to teach their kids.

OK. I’ve been called worse.

I had been rolling around in my mind for a few years the idea that writing an ebook or two, or maybe even writing a course, might help my bottom line, and so finally I got over whatever it was that was holding me back and I got something written.

It’s kind of awkward, really. I think that sometimes it’s hard for women, especially older women, to feel like they have anything to say, not to mention the fact that putting oneself out there is nothing short of terrifying, but carrying a negative income month after month is kind of terrifying too, so I need to shake things up a bit, and my art isn’t selling so I need to come up with something.

I started writing a course, but it was getting kind of drawn out with developing all the screen shots and PowerPoints and voiceovers, etc., so I pivoted and took only the first, most important part, and turned it into an ebook which was much easier to accomplish and get out into the world. Today, I published it and it’s ready to go.

There is so much to do to get something launched. Stories and landing pages and Facebook pages and Instagram posts and blah, blah, blah… it’s endless. Writing a blog post is only one part of it all. I hope you will follow the link on the top of the page and let me know what you think.

Of course, you can also help a starving artist by buying the book. Or some art. I’d really appreciate it.