I recently had a friend take me to task over this one. What was I saying? What was I implying? They were concerned I was making some sort of political statement about a woman’s right to choose.
Not even. That had not even entered my mind when I created this piece. What had entered my mind was that sometimes your kids drive you crazy.
And sometimes your spouse sees big juicy burgers where your breasts would normally be. My ex never gave them even so much as a second glance, but I don’t really care. They get the proper amount of attention now.
When it comes to choice, my feeling is pretty simple. If you don’t want a woman to have an abortion, you need to make her an offer she can’t refuse. Are you willing to support her without judgement? Help her pay the bills? Take her beautiful child that might look nothing like you and raise that child as your own? Hmmm?
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.