Beauty is Fleeting

Beauty is Fleeting is an analog collage featuring hand printed linocuts mixed with commercially printed elements and a strip of vintage wallpaper.

© Natalie Schorr, 2021

OK, not getting any younger here, and finally agreeing to a divorce on my 60th birthday was not exactly comforting. But it’s done and forward I go into the abyss, whatever it is.

I would imagine that those of you who are of “a certain age” feel my pain. It’s getting harder to look in the mirror and believe that I’m still 22. I am resolved, however, that I will not be deterred from enjoying the rest of my life, and I’m going to get out there and live finally.

Yes, I’m aware that there’s a pandemic. Hopefully it will not be here forever.

In the meantime, I am getting a lot of meditating done, and finally some new art. Life is looking up.

You can read more about this piece, Beauty is Fleeting, and don’t hesitate to drop me a line and tell me you would love to hang it in your living room. I’d be incredibly grateful