Mellow Yellow

Mixed media collage with both hand and commercially printed elements, colored pencil and acrylic dots

© Natalie Schorr, 2021

What is with me and yellow these days? I almost never use yellow in my work, and all of a sudden there’s yellow all over the place. I wonder what that’s about?

I read the Wikipedia article on the song, Mellow Yellow, which inspired this not so subtle piece of erotica, inasmuch as I do erotica. Really, it’s just mildly naughty when you get to the heart of it.

I was especially pleased to get to use a hand printed Christmas card from my friend, Kit Donnelly, whose card ended up as the legs and feet of my sassy girl.

Back to the yellow thing. I can’t imagine what would cause me to suddenly shift my color palette. I have been a blues and greens person forever. So I Googled color meanings, and yellow stands for happiness, hope, and spontaneity.

Yeah, I see that a lot. Embracing the mellow yellow for real.

You can read more about this piece at Mellow Yellow.