Prints in dark blue and rust red of linocut collage elements
I really wanted some new collage elements, so I did this rather elaborate plate with lots of different elements to add to my growing collection of linocut body parts and backgrounds. There are hands, mouths, flowers, dots, beaks, oversized eyebrows, an ear and a leaf. I’m pleased because I can print up a bunch of things at once, although it takes a larger sheet of paper and it’s a nightmare to cut out.
Song to the Sanguine Moon
While I am very early in the process of developing a library of interchangeable parts, each new piece gets some old and some new elements
The Sanguine Moon
I used several elements from this plate in this piece, Song to the Sanguine Moon. I added background elements from other linocut plates, along with colored pencils and markers.
The Sanguine Moon is a full moon in October. Sanguine, in its literal translation, means blood red, and there are many wonderful drawings by old masters in sanguine chalk, which is actually more of a terracotta shade than blood red.
I really like all the names of the full moons. There are scads of them, bringing up all kinds of possibilities. I’m not sure which one will be next.