What's New in the Studio - July 31, 2020

Days of the Week Faces

I was always fascinated by the idea of “Days of the Week Panties.” I don’t remember for sure, but I’m pretty confident that I never had a set. Nowadays, it would be more likely to be “days of the week masks,” which is kind of what’s going on here. Who are we on Monday, and are we different on Friday? I suspect we are.

I’ve been playing with these all week, printing parts and drawing parts. Working out my penitent Sunday and my Wednesday “hump day,” and the subtleties that make up the days in between. I’m not entirely sure about the linear layout or how it will all finish out, so stay tuned.

We all like to think we are more unique than we actually are.

Learn more about this piece on its gallery page.

What's New In The Studio - July 19, 2020

Passionflowers and Leaves

Having finished my leaves linocut block, I printed it a bunch of times on a variety of papers. I get these papers in rolls that are discarded from a local manufacturer, and most of them are just white in a variety of weights and finishes, but occasionally they toss out some more interesting textures and colors, so I used a lot of those items along with various papers I have piled around the studio, many of which are probably not archival but I like them anyway.

I also carved and printed a relief plate with three different versions of a passionflower, and printed that up as well. I cut all this stuff out and arranged and rearranged until I go the body shape I wanted for the woman in my next piece. Then I carefully tacked her together with glue and added some stronger pieces to the back to keep her together. I am putting her in a large mandorla which I will construct next.